Thursday, December 13, 2012

A Pig Shaving, And Then Some....

December 13, 2012

On my eva yesterday I got to see the craziest thing- the preparation of a pig to roast. Okay so here is how it went down, I finished playing my customary couple hours of ping pong and then was on my way to the falekoloa to buy some soy sauce (I made a dank meal of rice noodles with stuff in them!) when I got to a group of guys shaving a pig. They shave it with a couple of knifes, kind using them like a straight edge. I was amazed at how they picked up the pig and moved it around with such ease, it was a small pig maybe the size of the average microwave but still the way it was flung around was surprising to me. There was a bucket of really hot water that they would dip the pig in from time to time as if they were washing their clothes. After the shaving process was done the cut of the genitals and from there, opened the pig then they dumped/ scooped out all of its organs. It was crazy seeing all of the pig’s intestines spill out on to the peace of tin like it was on the operating room table. They took the organs that they normally eat- which I think was the liver and lungs actually- and then through the rest to the dogs who had been anxiously waiting for the their share of the pig the entire time. Attached to what I think was the liver (people in medicine will have to help me out here) was the bladder I think. The reason I say this is because he was careful to remove this small sack from the liver and the waved it in front of the small puppy’s face before throwing it against the nearby umu where it burst open, much to the dog’s discontent.

I am sad to say that although this scene should have ruined my appetite I went home and made dinner and I was even a little disappointed that I would not be enjoying that roast pig.

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