Thursday, February 7, 2013

Some Tongan Medicine

February 1, 2013

I have noticed I have been blogging less because things that would have been kind of interesting before are becoming more normal to me now but this last eva I felt was blog worthy so here it is:

I went eva today and got to see a little bit of Tongan medicine. I was with some young women in my village, we walked to this house and then I realized we were there for another women to apply some medicine to one of their kids. The medicine was some sort of herbs wrapped in a cloth and then squeezed into a small bowl of water. First the lady massage the kids throat and mouth with a bit of the herb water and then she got a higher concentration of the herb water and poured it into the kids mouth. The kid (he must have been 3) didn’t like it at all but what kids likes medicine? I couldn’t really figure out what it was for but I think it was a toothache because the kept saying he ate too much candy…

I continued on my walk and ran into some of the local teenagers and went with them to a house to find hair clippers. One of the guys was getting his hair cut and I have never in my life seen someone so detailed and precise when giving a haircut (especially with clippers). The kid’s hair wasn’t long to begin with (he was more getting it cleaned up rather than cut) and the whole process still took over an hour. The guy who did the cutting made sure every single hair was cut perfectly, he even brought out a razor to get the hairs the clippers missed. I couldn’t believe how exact this kid was being (I should have know because it was the same kid I ran into cleaning the pig a few weeks ago); Corey if you read this, your competition for haircuts lives in my village! I know that when I cut my hair I am going to this kid!

Evaing is the best, you never know what you are going to end up doing or what you might find...

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