March 28, 2013
So Right after I step foot out of the back of the truck coming back from the Sports day event we had in town I head straight to the weeding that I knew was going on but thought I was going to miss. I was a bit bummed about missing the wedding because yesterday I got to watch them skin the cow (it was so cool! It’s stomach was huge and just kind of plopped out and after that they let the pigs on fire to shave them before gutting them too) and was invited to the feast. Wedding feast are the best, and I have never been to one with beef before. I couldn’t fond a seat at the table right away so first I hung out in the back for a bit with some friends and had a quick dance with some women, in front of the wedding, who decided to pick me up (I don’t know why this is a thing but this is the third or fourth time that I have been picked up randomly here), although this time I picked her up too- she was pretty heavy-I surprised myself. I ran into my host brother from Tongtapu, it turns out his cousin was the one getting married to the guy from my village- only in Tonga! I finagled my way to the table and ate a lot of food even though I shouldn’t have given all the food I had eaten earlier… Susi (she is from my village and the sister of the groom) and my host brother invited me to a Ba’hai event after the wedding and that is how I ended up dancing with Ba’hais at their center in town until 11 pm. There was one girl there who was so rad! She danced crazy but really good- she entertained everyone and was perhaps the coolest person I have ever seen because she was dancing like that with under the influence of nothing! Although she was definitely the best and the most out there, Tongans love to dance and they get down! Especially the older women who have ZERO shame, they always try and dance on me but I am not new here and I know they love it when you play along so I always try and dance up on the older ladies or give them an ass shake- always good for a roaring laugh.
The dance over all was a lot like one of the Mormon dances except less adults, less people and a little less conservative. The dance was a really fun surprise. Tonga is always like that- I think I am going to be spending a night watching a movie or something and then a random event happens like a wedding and a dance and I end up having such an awesome night that would ravel even one from back in the states.
the process for preparing a coq is much different then for a pig
I was surprised how much blood came out after the chopped off the head
using the penis to yank out all of the intestines
setting the pig on fire to shave it!
the wedding
some of the entertainment- this was after my guest appearance
I tried to capture crazy women's dancing but really the picture doesn't do her justice!
of course there are always tau'olungas