Sunday, September 30, 2012

Frist Week of Class

The first week of class was actually a relief when it came! One, because we all got to meet up again, and two, because we got to start learning Tongan! Our days run pretty much the same around here- get up at 7 (which is fine here because you go to bed no later than 10 every night) have breakfast, go to language class in our respective villages with our village group. After 2 hours of class we have a tea break- I normally make a cup of instant coffee and have some cookies, we have another hour or so of class then we have lunch and get in the van to drive to a nearby village to have TFEL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) training with the whole group. After a couple hours we break for tea again- another cup of coffee and some chips, then a couple hours of class then done for the day. After class we all like to go to the near by beach and hangout for a bit before we all head back to home stay. We normally have great conversations and find out a lot about each other thanks to one of Mandy's many party games (like truth or if you had a theme song what would it be?) I normally end the day by getting back to home stay having dinner then hanging out with the family (maybe we watch a movie in my room, or play cards) then bed. You would think the days go by fast but actually time passes so slowly here! We all feel like we have been here for months but it has just been a few weeks! It’s not a bad thing it is just we all feel so connected and have learned so much to have only been here for such a short amount of time….


This is Lose (on the right) and some of our language trainers


Mandy (with the coconut), Steph and Abby during a tea time break


Tasi (my language trainer) being fakapikopiko (lazy)


Ryan trying to catch some sun


We went to search for some puakas (pigs) one day to give our left overs to. We didn't have to travel far to find this bad boy


From left to right: Chiara, Katy, Mandy and Steph in front of our sweet ride. Everyone in all the villages knows when we are around because of this van


The road to the beach we normally go to after class


This is the beach we normally head to


More beach


Chiara and Mandy


On the walk back to my village one day after the beach. Happened to catch the sun setting (-:

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